Electrical Technology ( ET ) Tutors Near Me , Electrical Technology ( ET ) Classes Near Me, Electrical Teacher Near Me :
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Electrical Technology ( ET ) - Introduction & Scope :
The subject of Electrical Technology ( ET ) is one of the oldest scientific disciplines encompassing all facets of human life. It comprises a major component of classical Engineering disciplines. Right from the old days of Stone ages to the current modern age, Electricity has continued to fascinate the intellect of human beings. From manifestation of fire to lightnings and the discovery of the cause of lightning, mankind has always been inquisitive to know more about it.
Further to it various experiments were conducted by philosophers and scientific researchers like Benjamin Franklin, Michael Faraday, Coulombs and many others. All of them built upon and leveraged upon the outcome of their predecessor's research, thus, leading us to where we stand today. Electrical Technology ( ET ) builds upon the principles of Physics ( the study of natural phenomenon and nature ) and the analysis of the atomic constitution, through understanding of behaviour and interactions of sub - atomic particles like electrons, protons, neutrons and others with each other.
We are now able to tame and harness most of our energy needs from the knowledge that we have acquired today. As we learn more about the potential and scope of Electrical energy we discover more information and this science continues to evolve.
Electrical Technology ( ET ) has significant impact to the existing power generation technology set up that covers almost every industry sector and domain. Without harnessing Electrical Energy, today's human existence is very difficult. The dependence has now become quite inalienable. Right from generation of electric current or common electricity to its distribution, transmission and consumption, a lot of Engineering and research efforts have already been invested.
A few of the key common components, concepts, and, tools of Electrical Technology ( ET ) are :
Series / Shunt Motors,
Alternating Currents - AC,
Direct Current - DC,
Different types of Motors,
various Electric Circuits,
Voltages with SI Unit as Volts,
Current with SI unit as Amperes,
Resistor with SI unit as Ohms,
1 Phase,
Single Phase Transformer,
1 Phase AC,
3 phase Motor,
Energy Meter,
Multi Meter,
Occupational Health Safety Aids & Hazards,
Electric First Aid,
DC Circuits,
Kirchhoff's Laws,
Joules Law,
Electro Magnetic,
AC Circuits,
Form Factors,
Power Factor,
De Soldering,
Digital Circuits,
Analog Circuits,
Electrical Wiring,
Engineering Drawing,
Electrical Discharges,
Bulbs and Lighting.
In the following sections, we attempt to relook and extrapolate the contemporary knowledge around the discipline of Electrical Technology ( ET ). We will uncover all of the above mentioned components and concepts related to Electrical Technology ( ET ).
Electrical Technology ( ET ) Teachers Near Me :
Thus, based upon the above high level understanding of the Electrical concepts, Wise Turtle Academy strives to deliver educational learning and training through competent "Electrical Technology ( ET ) Online Tutors", over weekends and weekdays, with flexible customised morning and evening sessions.
​Wise Turtle Academy delivers quality "Electrical Technology ( Home / Online ) Tutors, Teachers, Tuition Classes, Tutoring Services" and "Electrical Technology ( ET ) Vocational Skills Learning Online Tuition Classes" in Greater Noida West, Greater Noida, Noida Extension, Noida, Ghaziabad, Gautam Budh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, UP, Gurgaon, Faridabad, Haryana, New Delhi NCR, Alwar, Jaipur, Bhiwadi, Rajasthan. These classes are successfully delivered through Online Tutoring and Home Tutoring modes to the students of all levels and all ages.
These students belong, especially, to various local, national and international schools, from grades / classes, viz, class 5, class 6, class 7, class 8, class 9, class 10, class 11, class 12, as well as, various colleges and universities, state boards, open schools, distance education, open universities, Patrachaar students, Patrachaar candidates, adult recreational learners, and, others. ​
The prominent areas of Greater Noida and Greater Noida West being covered are :
Pari Chowk, LG Chowk, Gamma 1, Gamma 2, Alpha 1, Alpha 2, Beta 1, Beta 2, Xi 1, Xi 2, Phi 1, Phi 2, Omicron 1, Sigma 1, Omicron 2, Sigma 2, Omicron 3, Sigma 3, Zeta 1, AVJ Heights, Zeta 2, Eta 1, Eta2, Delta 1, Delta 2, Knowledge Park 1, Knowledge Park 2, Knowledge Park 3, Omaxe Connaught Place Mall, Rampur Jagir Chowk, Alpha Commercial Belt, Surajpur, Sharda Hospital, Sector 150, ATS Pristine Sector 150, Sector 144, Sector 143, Sector 27, Swarna Nagari, Tughalpur Village, Kasna, Greater Noida /Delhi NCR/Gurgaon/Faridabad/Ghaziabad/Alwar/Jaipur Expressway, Sector 31, Sector 32, Sector 33, Sector 34, Sector 35, Sector 36, Sector 37, sector 38, sector 39, Sector 40, Sector 41, Sector 42, Sector 43, Sector 45, etc..
There are many more areas covered under our services for "Electrical Technology ( Home / Online ) Tutors, Teachers, Tuition Classes, Tutoring Services", Electrical Technology ( ET ) Vocational Skills Learning Home Tuition Classes, and, Electrical Technology Online tutoring. In case, your residential areas within Greater Noida West, Greater Noida, Noida Extension, Noida, Ghaziabad, Gautam Budh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, UP, Gurgaon, Faridabad, Haryana, New Delhi NCR, Alwar, Jaipur, Bhiwadi, Rajasthan, don't show up in the list of above prominent areas, please do contact us directly.
Following is the general outline of syllabus for vocational skills' subject Electrical Technology ( ET ) for Class 12th ( Class XII - 12 - Electrical Technology Class 12 ) :
Unit 1. A.C Circuits
Generation of A.C. voltage,
its generation and wave shape.
Cycle, frequency, peak value ( maximum value ),
average value, instantaneous value, R.M.S. value,
form factor, crest factor, phase, phase difference,
power and power factor,
A.C. Series Circuits with
( i ) resistance and inductance
( ii ) resistance and capacitance and
( iii ) resistance inductance
and capacitance,
Q factor of R.L.C. series circuits.
Unit 2. Single-Phase Transformer
Types of transformer - step-up and step-down transformer,
voltage and current transformer, auto-transformer.
Construction, working principles and applications of different types of transformers,
rewinding of transformers, cooling of transformers.
Safety measures precautions from operational point of view.
Unit 3 ( A ). D.C. Motors
Types of motor - series, shunt,
compound and universal,
construction, working principles,
characteristics, winding details and
applications of different types of motors including fractional horse power,
starting and starters for D.C. motors.
Installation of D.C. motor.
( B ) Single Phase A.C. Motor
Types of A.C. Motors – induction motor ( Split phase and repulsion start ),
capacitor motor, shaded pole motor, universal motor,
construction, working principles, special characteristics,
winding details and applications of different types of fractional horse power motors.
Starting and starters for different motors.
Unit 4. Three Phase Induction Motors :
Principle, working & starting of three phase induction motor.
Unit 5. Measuring Instruments-II
Induction type Energy meter,
analog multi meter,
digital multi meter,
dynamometer type wattmeter -
their circuit connection &
application for measurement, operation & application
Unit 6. Electrical appliances :
( i ) Immersion Heater and Geyser:
Construction, working principle and use of immersion heater.
Common faults – their causes, testing and repairs.
Construction, working principles and use of geyser and thermostat,
common defects, their causes, testing and repairs.
Testing and installation of geyser.
Precautions in using immersion heater and geyser.
( ii ) Electric Mixer, Grinder and Blender:
Construction, working principles,
characteristics and applications of electric mixer,
grinder and blender.
Common faults, their causes,
testing and repairs,
servicing, maintenance and over.
( iii ) Room Cooler:
Construction and working details of room cooler,
desert cooler, Common cooler faults,
their causes, testing and repair,
Installation of room cooler / desert cooler.
( iv ) Electric Motor Used in Domestic Appliances
Split phase, capacitor start, capacitor-run,
shaded-pole motors, two speed motors, reverse motors,
universal motors, components testing,
trouble shooting, and servicing.
( v ) Basic Occupational and Safety Practices
Safety signs, lighting and handling loads,
moving heavy equipment, Electrical safety -
safety practices- first aid,
Practice safe methods- lifting and handling of heavy objects,
Rescue a person from live wire,
Artificial respiration- Nelson’s arm and Schafer’s Method.
Teaching Activities :
The teaching and training activities have to be conducted in classroom, laboratory / workshops and field visits. Students should be taken to field visits for interaction with experts and to expose them to the various tools, equipment, materials, procedures and operations in the workplace. Special emphasis should be laid on the occupational safety, health and hygiene during the training and field visits.
Classroom Activities :
Classroom activities are an integral part of this course. Interactive lecture sessions, followed by discussions should be conducted by trained teachers. Teachers should make effective use of a variety of instructional or teaching aids, such as audio-video materials, colour slides, charts, diagrams, models, exhibits, hand-outs, online teaching materials, etc. to transmit knowledge and impart training to the students.
Practical Work In Laboratory / Workshop :
Practical work may include but not limited to hands-on-training, simulated training, role play, case based studies, exercises, etc. Equipment and supplies should be provided to enhance hands-on learning experience of students. Only trained personnel should teach specialized techniques. A training plan that reflects tools, equipment, materials, skills and activities to be performed by the students should be submitted by the teacher to the Head of the Institution.
Field Visits / Educational Tours :
In field visits, children will go outside the classroom to obtain specific information from experts or to make observations of the activities. A checklist of observations to be made by the students during the field visits should be developed by the teachers for systematic collection of information by the
students on the various aspects. Principals and Teachers should identify the different opportunities for field visits within a short distance from the school and make necessary arrangements for the visits. At least three field visits should be conducted in a year.
Skill Assessment ( Practical ) :
Assessment of skills by the students should be done by the assessors / examiners on the basis of practical demonstration of skills by the candidate. Practical examination allows candidates to demonstrate that they have the knowledge and understanding of performing a task. This will include hands - on practical exam and viva voce. For practical, there should be a team of two evaluators. The same team of examiners will conduct the viva voce.
Project Work :
Project Work ( individual or group project ) is a great way to assess the practical skills on a certain time period or timeline. Project work should be given on the basis of the capability of the individual to perform the tasks or activities involved in the project. Projects should be discussed in the class and the teacher should periodically monitor the progress of the project and provide feedback for improvement and innovation.
Field Visits :
Field visits should be organised as part of the project work. Field visits can be followed by a small-group work / project work. When the class returns from the field visit, each group might be asked to use the information that they have gathered to prepare presentations or reports of their observations. Project work should be assessed on the basis of practical file or student portfolio.
Student Portfolio :
Student Portfolio is a compilation of documents that supports the candidate’s claim of competence. Documents may include reports, articles, photos of products prepared by students in relation to the unit of competency.
Viva Voce :
Viva voce allows candidates to demonstrate communication skills and content knowledge. Audio or video recording can be done at the time of viva voce. The number of external examiners would be decided as per the existing norms of the Board and these norms should be suitably adopted / adapted as per the specific requirements of the subject. Viva voce should also be conducted to obtain feedback on the student’s experiences and learning during the project work / field visits.
Organisation of Field Visits / Educational Tours :
In a year, at least 3 field visits / educational tours should be organised for the students to expose them to the activities in the workplace.
List of Equipment and Material :
1. Work Bench 1.8 m × 1.2 m and 1.5 m × 1.5 m, Heavy duty legs 7.5 cm × 7.5 cm with one 2.5 cm thick top of Shisham and hard wood with spirit polish.
2. Bench Vice – 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. Size 6 each 6 each 2 each 2 each
3. Pipe Vice : 2 nos., size - 1No.
4. Hammers Ball Pien, 100 gms 6 each
Ball Pien, 0.25 kg 6 each
Ball Pien, 0.5 kg 4 each
Ball Pien, 1 kg 2 each
Ball Pien, 2.5 kg 1 No.
5. Mallets of wood different size. 6 each
6. Hammers of Plastic head (Plastic Mallets) of different size 3 each size
7. Micrometer 0 to 25 mm Japanese Mitutoyo. 2 No.
8. Inside Micrometer 5 to 30 mm Japanese Mitutoyo. 2 No.
9. Depth gauge 20 cm Mitutoyo. 1 No.
10. Try Square 15 cm Japanese or English 6 No.
11. Marking Blocks Adjustable 2 sets
12. V. Block 7.5 cm one set with clamp 2 sets
13. Surface plate 45 cm × 45 cm 1 No.
14. Centre Punch 10 cm length 10 No.
15. Wire gauge SWG 1 No.
16. Files of different length, grade and shapes Length ( 10 cm to 30 cm ), Grade Bastered, smooth dead smooth. Shapes flat, Round, Half round, Triangular,
Square, knife edge, Mill file, wooden file ( Rasp file ) 6 each, Needle files of different shapes 3 each
17. Cold Chiesel 15 cm to 20 cm 6 Nos. Taparia / Jhalani or other standard make
18. Drills High speed steel 0.5 mm to 6mm, 1/6 3 + 3 set I.T . Make 6 mm to 18 mm,1/4″ to 3./4″ 1 + 1 set
19. Crimping Tools 2 No.
20. Diamond Tip Glass Cutter 2 No.
21. Hand Reamers 20 mm or other required size 1 No.
22. Tap sets with handle 1/8″ to3/8″ BSW 1 Set
Tap set with handle 3/16″ to3/8″ BSF 1 Set
Tap sets with handle 0 ″ to10″ BA 1 Set
23. Dies sets with stocks 1/8″ to 3/8″ BSW 1 Set
Dies sets with stocks 3/16″ to 3/8″ BSF 1 Set
Dies sets with stocks 0 ″ to 10″ BA 1 Set
24. Screw Driver Non-breakable handle Assorted 2 Set
25. Philips Head Screw Driver — Set of 10 Nos. 2 Sets
26. Pliers — Combination Insulated 15 cm, Long Nose, 15 cm, Side Cutting, Pliers 15 cm, Flat Nose 15 cm, Round Nose 15 cm 10 Nos. each
27. Bend Nose 15 cm 2 No.
28. Round Nose Seal Remover Pliers 20 cm 2 No.
29. Adjustable Wrench 25 cm – 30 cm 2 each
30. Pipe Wrench 25 cm – 2.5 cm 2 Nos. each
31. Pipe type spanner set of 8 — Spanners — SURA make 1 Set
32. Double End open spanner set of12 spanners 2 Sets
33. Ring Spanners set of 24 spanners 1 Set Make Jhalani / Taparia
34. Box Spanner—set of 24 spanners 1 Set Make Jhalani / Taparia or imported
35. T. spanner set from 4 No. to 13 No. 2 Set
36. Allen Key set - Set of 12 pcs. 1 Set
37. Bearing / Pulley Puller 1 No.
38. Grease Gun manual Operated 1 No.
39. Oil cane 1 No.
40. Oil Stove 1 No.
41. Blower Stove 2 No.
42. Scissor 20 cm 6 Nos.
43. Sheet cutter 25 cm Blade length 2 Nos.
44. Rawl Plugs 5 Sets
45. Wooden saw 30 cm to 45 cm 10 Nos.
46. Adjustable Hacksaw 10 Nos.
47. Fix Hacksaw 10 Nos.
48. Junior Saw 2 Nos.
49. Wooden Chisels ( Sathari ) / ( Chaursi ) 10 each
50. Electrician Knife 20 Nos.
51. Photo cutter (9″ and 1 ″ ) 1 each
52. Poker 20 Nos.
53. Scale 15 cm and 30 cm stainless steel Japanese make 10 each
54. Wooden Planer Wood 10 Nos.
55. Steel Planer ( Anant Make ) 5 Nos.
56. Wooden Planner for Design for one sided for groove with accessories 2 Sets
57. Phase or Neon tester ( Taparia ) 20 Nos.
58. Morce Taper Socket 2.3 for drill machine 1 No
59. Soldering Iron 35 Watts to 120 Watts, 35 Watts and 65 Watts ( make Raj / Toni ) 10 Nos. each
a. 120 Watts ( Raj / Toni make ) 2 Nos.
b. 15 Watts 10 Nos.
60. Thermocouple prone type for temp. control 2 Nos.
Thermocouple rod type for temp. control 2 Nos.
61. Bimetallic relay ( Faridge and other relays ) 2 Nos.
62. Thermostat for refrigerator, for Geyser, for Hot case 2 Nos. each
63. Dynamo D.C. small ( Cycle Dynamo ) 5 Nos.
64. Universal motor — 1/4 HP and 1/2 HP 1 No. each
65. Soldering Iron stand 20 Nos.
66. Demonstrational Transformer Ratio 1 : 1 230 / 230 V with 25%, 50%, 85.6% voltage tapping on both side 3 Nos.
67. Air Break Contractor 2 Nos.
68. Voltage Transformer 440 V / 110 V 2 Nos.
69. Current transformer 5 / 100 amps. 2 Nos.
70. Auto Transformer 0 to 270 V 15 amps. single phase AE 2 Nos
71. Electrical Sprayer Pilot—make 800 gram capacity 1 No.
72. D.O.L. Starter—Make GEC, Cromptom, Kirlosker, ABB upto 5HP 3 3 Nos.
73. Star Delta Starter—Manually operated upto 15 HP 2 Nos.
74. Star Delta Starter—Semi Automatic upto 15 HP 2 Nos.
75. Star Delta Starter—Fully automatic with additional accessories upto10 HP 2 Nos.
76. Torch of 4 cells portable 2 Nos.
77. Fluorescent Tube Fixture with choke and starter complete 10 Nos.
78. Heating Element of different types used in industrial closed type Heating elements as Round Kettle and type other shapes 2 each
79. 3 Phase Reversing switch L & T, other best make 2 each type
80. Rotary Switches of different types as AGI make R 416, R 316, R 216, 216 K, 216 KF, RT 415, R 415 F, R 415 D 2 Nos. each
81. I.C.T.P. and I.C.D.P. Main switches 4 each
82. Distribution Boards 2 Nos.
83. Bus Bar 2 Nos.
84. Old Ceiling fan with complete parts 4 Nos.
85. Old Table fan with complete parts 4 Nos.
86. Exhaust fan with complete parts 4 Nos.
87. Old Shaded pole Motor 1 / 2 HP 4 Nos
88. Different types of Centrifugal Switch Assembly 4 Nos. each complete make Cromptom / GEC etc.
89. Single Phase capacitor start capacitor run Motor 2 Nos.
90. Single Phase 1440 RPM old motor with complete parts 2 Nos.
91. A.C. Induction squirrel cage 3 phase motor 1440 RPM old with complete parts 2 Nos.
92. Hand drill Machine 6 mm capacity 10 Nos.
93. Electrical Gun drill machine-portable 6 mm max. capacity High speed with accessories 1 No.
94. Electrical Gun drill machine portable 12 mm capacity low speed with accessories 1 No.
95. Bench Drill machine pillar type capacity upto 12 mm or 18 mm Taper Drill and 9 mm Drill chuck capacity with all accessories and Drill chuck with key
with motor single phase or 3 phase 1 HP as per facility of electricity available in the lab. 1 No.
96. Bench Grinder 1 HP 220 V, Single Phase, Three Phase power 2880 RPM with one smooth and one medium grinding wheel of Carborundum 1 No.
97. Electrical Welding machine upto 250 Amp. capacity single phase 250 Volt AC supply oil filled tank type or air cooled type with all accessories as screen,
welding lead and holder, earth clamp etc. 1 Set
98. Winding Machine for Motor coil winding Hand operated 2 Nos.
99. Winding Machine for Transformer winding hand operated single coil 1 No. 100.D.C. Motor series – 1 HP, D.C. Motor Shunt-1 HPRMP 1500 1 No.
D.C. Motor Compound – 1 HP RMP 1500 1 No.
101.A.C. Motor, Single Phase, condenser Start Motor 1/2 HP and1 HP 1 each
102. Single phase condenser run motor Fractional H.P. 3 Nos.
103. Three Phase Induction Motor 2 HP, 410 V, 1450 RMP 1 No.
104. Shade Pole Motor 1/2 HP, 1/4 HP or small 2 each
105. Demonstrational AC Single phase Squirrel cage induction conden Run F.H.P. Motor all terminal of Motors. Condenser mounted on Bakelite plate of 12 mm
thickness fitted with motor on separate Mild Steel Channels 2 Nos.
106. Demonstrational type A.C. Single phase squirrel cage induction condenser start Motor 1/2 HP terminals of running winding, starting winding, condenser
and centrifugal switches, mounted on bakelite 12 mm thick plate fitted with motor on separate mild steel channels 2 Nos.
107. Demonstrational Model for study of Transistor circuits (circuit fitted on sun mica 3 mm board with proper terminals I. common base, II. common emitter,
III. common collector 2 Nos.
108. Demonstrational Model for study of Transistor Amplifier circuit I common base II common Emitter III common collector. Circuit fitted on sun mica
board with proper Terminals 2 Nos.
109. Solenoid coil of copper wire ( HTP ) Highly insulated bobin ( Formula R of coil ) made of mica and bakelite operating on 220 V. Copper Wire 29 SWG,
length of coil at least 10 cm with two terminals mounted on side of coil. Coil will be fixed on 12 mm ply and sunmica table or 2 mm sunmica Board with 50 cm wooden or plastic rule and Core Material Free Cutting Grade Steel, Cost Iron, Copper, Brass, Aluminium, Carbon Steelone each. 2 Nos.
110. Apparatus for comparison of Aluminium and copper conductivity, resistivity and magnetic field strength. Design-table bedsize 45 cm × 30 cm of 12 mm
ply with sunmica / bakelite sheet 3 mm fitted with identical coils ( one copper coil wounded and one coil Aluminium wounded gauge and turn of wire will
be same operating on 220 V one metre rule of wood or plastic will be fitted with screws on both side of coil. Both coils having two terminals on side for
connection, core will be permanently fitted inside the coil, core material wrought iron / free cutting grade of steel 2 Nos. )
111. Two heating coils wounded on china clay or procelain rod one coil Ureka / Constantan and one Nichrome wire of same gauge and same wire of length
fitted on 30 cm × 38 cm board of bakelite and asbestos sheet fitted on 12 mm Ply board with brass terminal insulated for connection 2 Nos.
112. Half wave rectification model with filer circuit condenser 25 V 1000 MFD transformer 12–0–12 V I amp. output, one 50 VAC Diode 5408 and 6terminals,
fitted on sunmica board with lead and plug 2 Nos.
113. Full wave rectification model with center gap earth and filter circuit. Condenser 25 V/1000 Mfd., Transformer 12–0–12 V Amp. output, two Diode 5408–50 VAC, 6 Terminal fitted on Sunmica Board with lead and plug.
114. Full wave rectification model with full wave rectifier bridge ( Bridge of 4 Diode ) and II Filter Circuit Transformer 12–0–12 V 1 Amp. output, 4 Diode ( No. 5408 ) 50 VAC Condensor 25 V / 1000 Mfd. II Filter Circuit with two condensor and choke of 1 Amp. capacity 6 terminal fitted on Sunmica Board with lead and plug.
B. Measuring Instruments
1. Ammeter MI type 0 – 5 – 10 Amps. 4 Nos.
2. Ammeter MC type 0 – 1 – 5 Amps. 2 Nos.
3. Voltmeter MI type 0 – 300 Volts 4 Nos.
4. Voltmeter MI type 0 – 600 volts 2 Nos.
5. Voltmeter MC type 0 – 300 volts 2 Nos.
6. Voltmeter MC type 0 – 15 volts 4 Nos.
7. Watt metre Dynameter type 0 – 300 5 amp. / 10 amp. 2 Nos.
8. Energy meter 230 V, 5 amps. 2 Nos.
9. Insulation megger – 500 volts 2 Nos.
10. Earth tester 1 No.
11. Neon tester 2 Nos.
12. Multimeter 2 Nos.
13. Clip on meter 2 Nos.
14. Growler inside and outside 1 No.
15. Phase sequence indicator 2 Nos.
16. Frequency meter Pointer type 1 No.
17. Frequency meter digital type 1 No.
18. Power factor meter 1 No. each
( i ) Dimmerstat 230 / 0 – 270 V 4 amp.
( ii ) Rheostat ( a ) 1 amp. 50 ohm, ( b ) 10 amp. 8 ohm
( iii ) Variable Single Phase Inductor 5 / 10 amps.
( iv ) Capacitor 50 MF, 400 Volts
19. Conduct Pipe Tee 6 Nos.
20. Bulbs 60 Watts 1 Dozen
C. Consumable Material
1. P.V.C. wire 3 / 22 4 coils
2. Wooden Batten 12 mm × 18 mm 100 meter each size
3. Casing Copping ( Standard Size ) 100 meter
4. Link Clips Standard size 2 Gross
5. Nail Standard size 12 mm 1 Kg
6. Wooden screws standard size 4 Dozen each size
7. Round Blocks standard size 1 Gross
8. Wooden Board standard size 2 Dozen each size
9. Insulation Tape 1 Dozen
10. 5 Amps Switch 2 Dozen
11. 15 Amps Switch 1 Dozen
12. Batton Holder 2 Dozen
13. Pendant Holder 1 Dozen
14. Angle Holder 1 Dozen
15. 5 Amps 2way switch 1 Dozen
16. Intermediate Switch 6 Nos.
17. 5 Amps 3 pin plug 2 Dozen
18. 15 Amps 3 pin plug 1 Dozen
19. 5 Amps 3 pin shoe 1 Dozen
20. 15 Amps 3 pin shoe 1 Dozen
21. Electric Press Connector 6 Nos.
22. Piano Type Switch Saps 1 Dozen
23. Conduit Pipe 18 mm, 25 mm 50 each
24. Junction Box 6 Nos.
25. Conduit Pipe Tee 6 M Nos.
26. Bulbs 60 Watts 1 Dozen
27. Grease 2 Kg.
28. Lubricating Oil 5 Litre
29. Insulating Varnish
Practical Guidelines :
Select minimum 12 to 16 Practical
1. To test and repair a defective cycle dynamo.
2. Dismantling, study and reassembling of a D.C. motor.
3. Measurement of resistance of series, shunt field and armature of a given D.C. motor and identification of terminals by multi meter.
4. Testing, fault finding and repair of a D.C. motor.
5. Overhauling of a D.C. motor.
6. Dismantling, study and reassembling of a D.C. motor starter.
7. Study of ( i ) Voltage Transformer, ( ii ) Current Transformer and ( iii ) Auto - Transformer.
8. To rewind the given 230/12 v transformer.
9. Dismantling, study and reassembling of an A.C. motor.
10. Dismantling, study and reassembling of an A.C. motor starter.
11. Testing, fault finding and repair of an A.C. motor starter.
12. Connecting, starting, running and reversing of an A.C. Universal motor.
13. Installation of D.C. motor.
14. Installation of A.C. motor.
15. Dismantling and reassembling of geyser : ( i ) instant, ( ii ) storage.
16. Testing and repair of geyser: ( i ) storage, ( ii ) instant.
17. Connection of fluorescent tube-lamp circuit.
18. Testing and repair of : ( i ) table lamp, ( ii ) night lamp, ( iii ) fluorescent tube light.
19. Testing and repair of: ( i ) electric bell, ( ii ) buzzer, and ( iii ) door chimes.
20. To prepare series / parallel testing board.
21. To connect fan regulator with a ceiling fan.
22. To fit MCB in a circuit in place of fuse.
23. Polarity test of installation.
24. Testing, fault finding, repair and overhauling of blower type room heater and heat connector.
25. Testing, fault finding, repair and overhauling of room cooler / desertcooler.
26. Testing, fault finding, repair of emergency light and voltage stabilizer ( manual and automatic ).
27. Testing, fault finding, repair and overhauling of motors used in domestic appliances.
28. Winding / re - winding of electrical motor used in domestic appliances.
29. To study emergency light circuit.
30. To study speed control, and speed reversal of DC Motors.
31. Start-Stop of 3 phase induction motors
32. Study forward & reverse of 3 phase induction motors
33. Study of analog and digital multimeter and study various parameters
( i ) Current
( ii ) Voltage
( iii ) Resistance
( iv ) Continuity.
34. Study of power meter and test various loads.
The marks for sessional work will be awarded by the teacher concerned and included in the final award.
Students may be asked to perform any one of the experiments above.
BIS regulations, recommendations and NE pertaining to wiring installation, IE regulation related to Earthing.
Electrical Technology ( ET ) Trainers Near Me :​
Wise Turtle Academy has good experience delivering "Electrical Technology ( Home / Online ) Tutors, Teachers, Tuition Classes, Tutoring Services", "Electrical Technology ( ET ) Skills Training", and, "Electrical Technology ( ET ) Online Tutoring & Trainings" for English medium Boards and English communication medium regulatory authorities, as well as, committees. The various school level boards, include, but are not limited to the following ones.
CBSE ( Central Board of Secondary Education ) Board, ICSE ( Indian Certificate of Secondary Education ) Board, Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education, Uttar Pradesh UP Boards, Madhya Pradesh MP Boards, NIOS ( National Institute of Open Schooling ), IGNOU ( Indira Gandhi National Open University ), IGCSE ( International General Certificate of Secondary Education ), GCSE ( General Certificate of Secondary Education ), IB ( International Baccalaureate ), Canadian Provinces Curriculum, NZQA ( New Zealand Qualifications Authority ), all Indian State Boards, autonomous organisations, and, more.
Additionally, our academy also doles out quality oriented, contemporary, educational & learning support services through Electrical Technology Study Notes, Electrical Technology solved assignments, &, Electrical Technology Home Work Help. Our Electrical Technology learning support services are provided by the best, well experienced and result oriented Electrical Technology Home Teachers and Electrical Technology Online Teachers in Greater Noida West, Greater Noida, Noida Extension, Noida, Ghaziabad, Gautam Budh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, UP, Gurgaon, Faridabad, Haryana, New Delhi NCR, Alwar, Jaipur, Bhiwadi, Rajasthan. ​​
Following is the general outline of syllabus for vocational skills' subject Electrical Technology ( ET ) for Class 11th ( Class XI - 11 - Electrical Technology Class 11 ) :
Unit 1. Current Electricity
Electricity as a source of energy,
Definition of Resistance,
Voltage, Current, Power,
Energy and their units,
Relation between electrical, mechanical and thermal units,
Factors affecting resistance of a conductor,
Temperature co-efficient of resistance,
Difference between AC and DC voltage and current.
Unit 2. D. C. Circuits
Ohm’s Law,
Series – parallel resistance circuits,
calculation of equivalent resistance,
Kirchhoff’s Laws and their applications
Unit 3. Electric Cells
Primary cell, wet cell, dry cell, battery,
series and parallel connections of cells,
Secondary cells, Lead Acid Cell,
Discharging and recharging of cells,
common charging methods,
preparation of electrolyte,
care and maintenance of secondary cells
Unit 4. Heating and Lighting Effects of Current
Joule’s Law of electric heating and its domestic applications,
heating efficiency,
lighting effect of electric current,
filaments used in lamps,
and gaseous discharge lamps,
their working and applications.
Unit 5. Capacitor
Capacitor and its capacity,
Concept of charging and Discharging of capacitors,
Types of Capacitors and their use in circuits,
Series and parallel connection of capacitors,
Energy stored in a capacitor.
Unit 6. Electromagnetic Effects
Permanent magnets and Electromagnets,
their construction and use,
Polarities of an electromagnet and
rules for finding them.
Faraday’s Laws of Electromagnetic Induction,
Dynamically induced e.m.f.,
its magnitude and induction,
Static induction, self-induced e.m.f.,
its magnitude and direction,
inductance and its unit.
Mutually induced e.m.f.,
its magnitude and direction,
Energy stored in an inductance.
Force acting on a current carrying conductor in magnetic field,
its magnitude and direction,
Torque produced on a current carrying coil in a magnetic field,
Principles and construction of dynamo.
Unit 7. A.C Circuits
Generation of A.C. voltage,
its generation and wave shape.
Cycle, frequency, peak value (maximum value),
average value, instantaneous value,
R.M.S. value, form factor, crest factor, phase,
phase difference, power and power factor,
A.C. Series Circuits with
(i) resistance and inductance
(ii) resistance and capacitance and
(iii) resistance inductance and capacitance,
Q factor of R.L.C. series circuits.
Unit 8. Soldering and Brazing
General characteristics of soldering & Desoldering,
tools & procedures, adopted for soldering & Desoldering,
brazing joints, processes and their characteristics,
brief description of soldering and brazing tools equipment,
types of solders and fluxes and their uses,
soldering defects and their remedies,
brazing materials,
advantages and disadvantages of soldering and brazing.
Unit 9. Measuring Instruments
Construction and working principles of moving iron and moving coil voltmeters and ammeters,
dynamometer type wattmeter,
ohm meter, megger and induction type energy meter-
their circuit connection and application for measurement of electrical quantities,
Digital Multimeter.
Unit 10. Electrical Engineering Drawing
Schematic and wiring diagram for domestic simple wiring,
symbols used for different electrical devices and equipment.
Unit 11. Electrical Wiring
Types of wiring – cleat wiring, casing and capping,
C.T.S./T.R.S. wiring, metal sheath wiring,
conduit wiring and concealed wiring – their procedure.
Factors of selection of a particular wiring system,
importance of switch,
fuse and earthing of wiring system,
types of faults, their causes and remedies.
Types of earthing- plate earthing and Pipe earthing,
their procedure and application.
Methods of finding numbers of circuits and circuit distribution by distribution board system,
loop in system of wiring connections,
IE rules related to wiring.
Teaching Activities :
The teaching and training activities have to be conducted in classroom, laboratory / workshops and field visits. Students should be taken to field visits for interaction with experts and to expose them to the various tools, equipment, materials, procedures and operations in the workplace. Special emphasis should be laid on the occupational safety, health and hygiene during the training and field visits.
Classroom Activities :
Classroom activities are an integral part of this course and interactive lecture sessions, followed by discussions should be conducted by trained teachers. Teachers should make effective use of a variety of instructional or teaching aids, such as audio-video materials, colour slides, charts, diagrams, models,
exhibits, hand-outs, online teaching materials, etc. to transmit knowledge and impart training to the students.
Practical Work In Laboratory / Workshop :
Practical work may include but not limited to hands-on-training, simulated training, role play, case based studies, exercises, etc. Equipment and supplies should be provided to enhance hands-on learning experience of students. Only trained personnel should teach specialized techniques. A training plan that reflects tools,
equipment, materials, skills and activities to be performed by the students should be submitted by the teacher to the Head of the Institution.
Skill Assessment ( Practical ) :
Assessment of skills by the students should be done by the assessors / examiners on the basis of practical demonstration of skills by the candidate. Practical examination allows candidates to demonstrate that they have the knowledge and understanding of performing a task. This will include hands-on practical exam and viva voce. For practical, there should be a team of two evaluators. The same team of examiners will conduct the viva voce.
Project Work :
Project Work ( individual or group project ) is a great way to assess the practical skills on a certain time period or timeline. Project work should be given on the basis of the capability of the individual to perform the tasks or activities involved in the project. Projects should be discussed in the class and the teacher should
periodically monitor the progress of the project and provide feedback for improvement and innovation.
Field Visits :
Field visits should be organised as part of the project work. Field visits can be followed by a small - group work / project work. When the class returns from the field visit, each group might be asked to use the information that they have gathered to prepare presentations or reports of their observations. Project work
should be assessed on the basis of practical file or student portfolio.
Student Portfolio :
Student Portfolio is a compilation of documents that supports the candidate’s claim of competence. Documents may include reports, articles, photos of products prepared by students in relation to the unit of competency.
Viva Voce :
Viva voce allows candidates to demonstrate communication skills and content knowledge. Audio or video recording can be done at the time of viva voce. The number of external examiners would be decided as per the existing norms of the Board and these norms should be suitably adopted / adapted as per the specific
requirements of the subject. Viva voce should also be conducted to obtain feedback on the student’s experiences and learning during the project work / field visits.
Organisation Of Field Visits / Educational Tours :
In field visits, children will go outside the classroom to obtain specific information from experts or to make observations of the activities. A checklist of observations to be made by the students during the field visits should be developed by the Teachers for systematic collection of information by the students on the various aspects. Principals and Teachers should identify the different opportunities for field visits within a short distance from the school and make necessary arrangements for the visits. At least three field visits should be conducted in a year.
Practical Guidelines :
1. Verify that resistance of conductor is directly proportional to resistivity and length and inversely proportional to cross- sectional area of the conductor.
2. Verification of Ohm’s Law.
3. Verification of temperature co-efficient of resistance:
(i) Positive for Tungsten and Nichrome and
(ii) Negative for carbon.
4. Study of series resistive circuits.
5. Study of parallel resistive circuits.
6. Study of series and parallel connection of cells in circuits.
7. Preparation of Electrolyte for lead acid battery and its charging and measurement of Specific gravity with the help of hydrometer.
8. To find heat efficiency of an electric kettle.
9. Charging and Discharging of a capacitor.
10. Verification of magnetic field of a Solenoid with
(i) Iron core and
(ii) Air core.
11. Verification of Faraday’s Laws of electromagnetic induction.
12. Verification of Torque development in a current carrying coil in magnetic field.
13. Study of R.L. series circuit and measurement of power and power factor.
14. Study of R.C. series circuit and measurement of power and power factor.
15. Study of R.L.C. series circuit and measurement of power and power factor.
16. Study of R.L.C. series circuit for calculation of inductive reactance, capacitive reactance, impedance and Q- Factor.
17. Measurement of resistance by ammeter and voltmeter method and Ohm meter.
18. Dismantling and reassembly of dynamo.
19. Calibration of ammeter, voltmeter and wattmeter with the help of standard meters.
20. Calibration of single phase energy meter with the help of standard wattmeter and stop watch.
21. Controlling lamps in series, parallel and series parallel.
22. Controlling lamps for two or three places.
23. Drawing schematic diagram to give supply to consumers.
24. Practice on casing and capping wiring.
25. Practice on cleat wiring.
26. Practice on CTS/TRS wiring.
27. Practice on metal sheet weather proof rigid PVC wiring.
28. Practice on conduit wiring.
29. Practice on concealed wiring.
30. Measurement of insulation resistance of wiring installation by megger.
31. Polarity test of wiring installation.
32. Testing of wiring installation.
33. Installation of pipe earthing for wiring installation.
34. Installation of plate earthing for wiring installation
35. Soldering & Desoldering of LED, switch, IC, Resistor, Capacitors etc.
36. Study the effect of brazing on various joints
The marks for sessional work will be awarded by the teacher concerned and included in the final award.
Students may be asked to perform any one of the experiments above.
BIS regulations, recommendations and NE pertaining to wiring installation, IE regulation related to Earthing.
List Of Equipment and Material :
1. Work Bench 1.8 m × 1.2 m and 1.5 m × 1.5 m, Heavy duty legs 7.5 cm × 7.5 cm with one 2.5 cm thick top of Shisham and hard wood with spirit polish.
2. Bench Vice – 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. Size 6 each 6 each 2 each 2 each
3. Pipe Vice : 2 nos., size - 1 No.
4. Hammers Ball Pien, 100 gms 6 each
Ball Pien, 0.25 kg 6 each
Ball Pien, 0.5 kg 4 each
Ball Pien, 1 kg 2 each
Ball Pien, 2.5 kg 1 No.
5. Mallets of wood different size. 6 each
6. Hammers of Plastic head ( Plastic Mallets ) of different size 3 each size
7. Micrometer 0 to 25 mm Japanese Mitutoyo. 2 No.
8. Inside Micrometer 5 to 30 mm Japanese Mitutoyo. 2 No.
9. Depth gauge 20 cm Mitutoyo. 1 No.
10. Try Square 15 cm Japanese or English 6 No.
11. Marking Blocks Adjustable 2 sets
12. V. Block 7.5 cm one set with clamp 2 sets
13. Surface plate 45 cm × 45 cm 1 No.
14. Centre Punch 10 cm length 10 No.
15. Wire gauge SWG 1 No.
16. Files of different length, grade and shapes Length ( 10 cm to 30 cm ), Grade Bastered, smooth dead smooth. Shapes flat, Round, Half round, Triangular,
Square, knife edge, Mill file, wooden file (Rasp file) 6 each, Needle files of different shapes 3 each
17. Cold Chiesel 15 cm to 20 cm 6 Nos.
Taparia / Jhalani or other standard make
18. Drills High speed steel 0.5 mm to 6 mm, 1/6 3 + 3 set I.T . Make 6 mm to 18 mm, 1/4″ to 3./4″ 1 + 1 set
19. Crimping Tools 2 No.
20. Diamond Tip Glass Cutter 2 No.
21. Hand Reamers 20 mm or other required size 1 No.
22. Tap sets with handle 1/8″ to 3/8″ BSW 1 Set
Tap set with handle 3/16″ to 3/8″ BSF 1 Set
Tap sets with handle 0 ″ to 10″ BA 1 Set
23. Dies sets with stocks 1/8″ to 3/8″ BSW 1 Set
Dies sets with stocks 3/16″ to 3/8″ BSF 1 Set
Dies sets with stocks 0 ″ to 10″ BA 1 Set
24. Screw Driver Non breakable handle Assorted 2 Set
25. Philips Head Screw Driver—Set of 10 Nos. 2 Sets
26. Pliers — Combination Insulated 15 cm, Long Nose, 15 cm, Side Cutting, Pliers 15 cm, Flat Nose 15 cm, Round Nose 15 cm 10 Nos. each Bend Nose 15 cm 2 No
27. Round Nose Seal Remover Pliers 20 cm 2 No.
28. Adjustable Wrench 25 cm–30 cm 2 each
29. Pipe Wrench 25 cm–2.5 cm 2 Nos. each
30. Pipe type spanner set of 8—Spanners—SURA make 1 Set
31. Double End open spanner set of 12 spanners 2 Sets
32. Ring Spanners set of 24 spanners 1 Set Make Jhalani/Taparia
33. Box Spanner—set of 24 spanners 1 Set Make Jhalani/Taparia or imported
34. T. spanner set from 4 No. to 13 No. 2 Set
35. Allen Key set - Set of 12 pcs. 1 Set
36. Bearing/Pulley Puller 1 No.
37. Grease Gunmanual Operated 1 No.
38. Oil cane 1 No.
39. Oil Stove 1 No.
40. Blower Stove 2 No.
41. Scissor 20 cm 6 Nos.
42. Sheet cutter 25 cm Blade length 2 Nos.
43. Rawl Plugs 5 Sets
44. Wooden saw 30 cm to 45 cm 10 Nos.
45. Adjustable Hacksaw 10 Nos.
46. Fix Hacksaw 10 Nos.
47. Junior Saw 2 Nos.
48. Wooden Chisels ( Sathari ) / ( Chaursi ) 10 each
49. Electrician Knife 20 Nos.
50. Photo cutter ( 9″ and 1 ″ ) 1 each
51. Poker 20 Nos.
52. Scale 15 cm and 30 cm stainless steel Japanese make 10 each
53. Wooden Planer Wood 10 Nos.
Steel Planer ( Anant Make ) 5 Nos.
54. Wooden Planner for Design for one sided for groove with accessories 2 Sets
55. Phase or Neon tester ( Taparia ) 20 Nos.
56. Morce Taper Socket 2.3 for drill machine 1 No
57. Soldering Iron 35 Watts to 120 Watts, 35 Watts and 65 Watts (make Raj/Toni) 10 Nos. each 120 Watts ( Raj / Toni make ) 2 Nos. 15 WAtts 10 Nos.
58. Thermocouple prone type for temp. control 2 Nos. Thermocouple rod type for temp. control 2 Nos.
59. Bimetallic relay ( Faridge and other relays ) 2 Nos.
60. Thermostat for refrigerator, for Geyser, for Hot case 2 Nos. each
61. Dynamo D.C. small ( Cycle Dynamo ) 5 Nos.
62. Universal motor — 1/4 HP and 1/2 HP 1 No. each
63. Soldering Iron stand 20 Nos.
64. Demonstrational Transformer Ratio 1 : 1 230 / 230 V with 25%, 50%, 85.6% voltage tapping on both side 3 Nos.
65. Air Break Contractor 2 Nos.
66. Voltage Transformer 440 V / 110 V 2 Nos.
67. Current transformer 5 / 100 amps. 2 Nos.
68. Auto Transformer 0 to 270 V 15 amps. single phase AE 2 Nos
69. Electrical Sprayer Pilot—make 800 gram capacity 1 No.
70. D.O.L. Starter—Make GEC, Cromptom, Kirlosker, ABB upto 5 HP 3 3 Nos.
71. Star Delta Starter—Manually operated upto 15 HP 2 Nos.
72. Star Delta Starter—Semi Automatic upto 15 HP 2 Nos.
73. Star Delta Starter—Fully automatic with additional accessories upto 10 HP 2 Nos.
74. Torch of 4 cells portable 2 Nos.
75. Flourescent Tube Fixture with choke and starter complete 10 Nos.
76. Heating Element of different types used in industrial closed type Heating elements as Round Kettle and type other shapes 2 each
77. 3 Phase Reversing switch L & T, other best make 2 each type
78. Rotary Switches of different types as AGI make R 416, R 316, R216, 216 K, 216 KF, RT 415, R 415 F, R 415 D 2 Nos. each
79. I.C.T.P. and I.C.D.P. Main switches 4 each
80. Distribution Boards 2 Nos.
81. Bus Bar 2 Nos.
82. Old Ceiling fan with complete parts 4 Nos.
83. Old Table fan with complete parts 4 Nos.
84. Exhaust fan with complete parts 4 Nos.
85. Old Shaded pole Motor 1/2 HP 4 Nos
86. Different types of Centrifugal Switch Assembly 4 Nos. each complete make Cromptom / GEC etc.
87. Single Phase capacitor start capacitor run Motor 2 Nos.
88. Single Phase 1440 RPM old motor with complete parts 2 Nos.
89. A.C. Induction squirrel cage 3 phase motor 1440 RPM old with complete parts 2 Nos.
90. Hand drill Machine 6 mm capacity 10 Nos.
91. Electrical Gun drill machine-portable 6 mm max. capacity High speed with accessories 1 No.
92. Electrical Gun drill machine portable 12 mm capacity low speed with accessories 1 No.
93. Bench Drill machine pillar type capacity upto 12 mm or 18 mm Taper Drill and 9 mm Drill chuck capacity with all accessories and Drill chuck with key
with motor single phase or 3 phase 1 HP as per facility of electricity available in the lab. 1 No.
94. Bench Grinder 1 HP 220 V, Single Phase, Three Phase power 2880 RPM with one smooth and one medium grinding wheel of Carborundum 1 No.
95. Electrical Welding machine upto 250 AMp.capacity single phase 250 Volt AC supply oil filled tank type or air cooled type with all accessories as screen,
welding lead and holder, earth clamp etc. 1 Set
96. Winding Machine for Motor coil winding Hand operated 2 Nos.
97. Winding Machine for Transformer winding hand operated single coil 1 No.
98. D.C. Motor series – 1 HP, D.C. Motor Shunt-1 HP RMP 1500 1 No. D.C. Motor Compound – 1 HP RMP 1500 1 No.
99. A.C. Motor, Single Phase, condenser Start Motor 1/2 HP and 1 HP 1 each
100. Single phase condenser run motor Fractional H.P. 3 Nos.
101. Three Phase Induction Motor 2 HP, 410 V, 1450 RMP 1 No.
102. Shade Pole Motor 1/2 HP, 1/4 HP or small 2 each
103. Demonstrational AC Single phase Squirrel cage induction conden Run F.H.P. Motor all terminal of Motors. Condenser mounted on Bakelite plate of 12 mm
thickness fitted with motor on separate Mild Steel Channels 2 Nos.
104. Demonstrational type A.C. Single phase squirrel cage inducation condenser start Motor 1/2 HP terminals of running winding, starting winding, condenser
and centrifugal switches, mounted on bakelite 12 mm thick plate fitted with motor on separate mild steel channels 2 Nos.
105. Demonstrational Model for study of Transistor circuits ( circuit fitted on sun mica 3 mm board with proper terminals I. common base, II. common emitter,
III. common collector 2 Nos.
106. Demonstrational Model for study of Transistor Amplifier circuit I common base II common Emitter III common collector. Circuit fitted on sun mica
board with proper Terminals 2 Nos.
107. Solenoid coil of copper wire ( HTP ) Highly insulated bobin ( Formula R of coil ) made of mica and bakelite operating on 220 V. Copper Wire 29 SWG,
length of coil at least 10 cm with two terminals mounted on side of coil.
Coil will be fixed on 12 mm ply and sunmica table or 2 mm sunmica Board with 50 cm wooden or plastic rule and Core Material Free Cutting Grade Steel, Cast Iron, Copper, Brass, Aluminium, Carbon Steel one each. 2 Nos.
108. Apparatus for comparison of Aluminium and copper conductivity, resistivity and magnetic field strength. Design-table bedsize 45 cm × 30 cm of 12 mm
ply with sunmica / bakelite sheet 3 mm fitted with identical coils ( one copper coil wounded and one coil aluminium wounded gauge and turn of wire will
be same operating on 220 V one metre rule of wood or plastic will be fitted with screws on both side of coil. Both coils having two terminals on side for
connection, core will be permanently fitted inside the coil, core material wrought iron / free cutting grade of steel 2 Nos.
109. Two heating coils wounded on china clay or procelain rod one coil Ureka / Constantan and one Nichrome wire of same gauge and same wire of length
fitted on 30 cm × 38 cm board of bakelite and asbestos sheet fitted on 12 mm Ply board with brass terminal insulated for connection 2 Nos.
110. Half wave rectification model with filer circuit condenser 25 V 1000 MFD transformer 12–0–12 V I amp. output, one 50 VAC Diode 5408 and 6 terminals,
fitted on sunmica board with lead and plug 2 Nos.
111. Full wave rectification model with center gap earth and filter circuit. Condenser 25 V/1000 Mfd., Transformer 12–0–12 V Amp. output, two Diode 5408–50 VAC, 6 Terminal fitted on Sunmica Board with lead and plug.
112. Full wave rectification model with full wave rectifier bridge ( Bridge of 4 Diode ) and II Filter Circuit Transformer 12–0–12 V 1 Amp. output, 4 Diode
(No. 5408) 50 VAC Condensor 25 V/1000 Mfd. II Filter Circuit with two condensor and choke of 1 Amp. capacity 6 terminal fitted on Sunmica Board
with lead and plug.
B. Measuring Instruments
1. Ammeter MI type 0–5–10 Amps. 4 Nos.
2. Ammeter MC type 0–1–5 Amps. 2 Nos.
3. Voltmeter MI type 0–300 Volts 4 Nos.
4. Voltmeter MI type 0–600 volts 2 Nos.
5. Voltmeter MC type 0–300 volts 2 Nos.
6. Voltmeter MC type 0–15 volts 4 Nos.
7. Watt metre Dynameter type 0–300 5 amp. / 10 amp. 2 Nos.
8. Energy meter 230 V, 5 amps. 2 Nos.
9. Insulation megger – 500 volts 2 Nos.
10. Earth tester 1 No.
11. Neon tester 2 Nos.
12. Multimeter 2 Nos.
13. Clip on meter 2 Nos.
14. Growler inside and outside 1 No.
15. Phase sequence indicator 2 Nos.
16. Frequency meter Pointer type 1 No.
17. Frequency meter digital type 1 No.
18. Power factor meter 1 No. each
( i ) Dimmerstat 230 / 0 – 270 V 4 amp.
( ii ) Rheostat ( a ) 1 amp. 50 ohm, ( b ) 10 amp. 8 ohm
( iii ) Variable Single Phase Inductor 5 / 10 amps.
( iv ) Capacitor 50 MF, 400 Volts
19. Conduct Pipe Tee 6 Nos.
20. Bulbs 60 Watts 1 Dozen
C. Consumable Material
1. P.V.C. wire 3/22 4 coils
2. Wooden Batten 12 mm × 18 mm 100 meter each size
3. Casing Copping ( Standard Size ) 100 meter
4. Link Clips Standard size 2 Gross
5. Nail Standard size 12 mm 1 Kg
6. Wooden screws standard size 4 Dozen each size
7. Round Blocks standard size 1 Gross
8. Wooden Board standard size 2 Dozen each size
9. Insulation Tape 1 Dozen
10. 5 Amps Switch 2 Dozen
11. 15 Amps Switch 1 Dozen
12. Batton Holder 2 Dozen
13. Pendant Holder 1 Dozen
14. Angle Holder 1 Dozen
15. 5 Amps 2 way switch 1 Dozen
16. Intermediate Switch 6 Nos.
17. 5 Amps 3 pin plug 2 Dozen
18. 15 Amps 3 pin plug 1 Dozen
19. 5 Amps 3 pin shoe 1 Dozen
20. 15 Amps 3 pin shoe 1 Dozen
21. Electric Press Connector 6 Nos.
22. Piano Type Switch Saps 1 Dozen
23. Conduit Pipe 18 mm, 25 mm 50 each
24. Junction Box 6 Nos.
25. Conduit Pipe Tee 6 M Nos.
26. Bulbs 60 Watts 1 Dozen
27. Grease 2 Kg.
28. Lubricating Oil 5 Litre
29. Insulating Varnish​
​​​​​Considering adequate qualification and rich experience carried by our Electrical Technology Home Tutors, "Electrical Technology ( ET ) Online Teachers", and, Electrical Technology Online tutors, it'll be an easy task to instruct, guide and coach the students of Electrical Technology.
Trust and mutual understanding between the Electrical Technology Online Tutors, and the Electrical Technology Students, will definitely go a long way to effect an efficient delivery of "Electrical Technology ( Home / Online ) Tutors, Teachers, Tuition Classes, Tutoring Services" in Greater Noida West, Greater Noida, Noida Extension, Noida, Ghaziabad, Gautam Budh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, UP, Gurgaon, Faridabad, Haryana, New Delhi NCR, Alwar, Jaipur, Bhiwadi, Rajasthan.
Wise Turtle Academy is absolutely sure that it's quality conscious and comprehensive "Electrical Technology ( Home / Online ) Tutors, Teachers, Tuition Classes, Tutoring Services", Electrical Technology ( ET ) Vocational Skills Online tutors will benefit the students immensely. The Online tutors come from various educational backgrounds, viz, Engineering, Management, Medical, Humanities, Commerce, Law, Technology, Arts, Computing, AI, DS, coding, IT, ICT, IP, CCT, and, others.
Wise Turtle Academy has kept the pricing budget for "Electrical Technology ( Home / Online ) Tutors, Teachers, Tuition Classes, Tutoring Services", "Electrical Technology ( ET ) Vocational Skills Learning", and, "Electrical Technology ( ET ) Vocational Skills Learning" very reasonable and as per the industry standards. There is a scope to mutually agree and negotiate upon the tuition or tutoring budget, thus, making it a win - win situation for both the Academy and its students.
We encourage the students & residents of Greater Noida West, Greater Noida, Noida Extension, Noida, Ghaziabad, Gautam Budh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, UP, Gurgaon, Faridabad, Haryana, New Delhi NCR, Alwar, Jaipur, Bhiwadi, Rajasthan, to come forward and explore our highly effective, as well as, efficient "Electrical Technology Tutoring Services" and "Electrical Technology ( ET ) Vocational Skills Classes". These services are being delivered just next to or around the common residential areas. ​
We at Wise Turtle Academy will indeed be delighted to hear from you about your requirements and assure you quite confidently of our expert learning assistance through "Electrical Technology Teachers", "Electrical Technology Trainers", "Electrical Technology ( ET ) Vocational Skills Learning Online Training Classes", and, other formats.
A, One - On - One, Electrical Technology Online Tutoring Consultation, or, a Electrical Technology Private Tutor visit, "Electrical Technology ( ET ) Vocational Skills' Learning, Tutors, Teachers, Trainings, Seminars, Hands On Practical & Workshops" at your desired premises can be easily booked with us at absolutely nominal ( only to and fro transportation ) charges. ​
We at Wise Turtle Academy will certainly ensure punctuality, utmost professionalism and full compliance to agreed Electrical Technology visitation time windows, Electrical Technology tutoring services, and, Electrical Technology Training time windows, as well as, strive to deliver quite satisfactory Electrical Technology learning experience possible. ​
Please visit our Services web page to explore our other educational and learning Services. Do write or speak to us or visit our Contact Us web page to know more about us.
Looking forward to connecting with you !