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Multi Media ( MM ) Tutors Near Me, Multi Media ( MM ) Classes Near Me :

Multi Media ( MM ) Online / Home ( Tutors, Tuition Classes, Teachers, Multi Media ( MM ) Tuition Classes, Multi Media ( MM ) Tutors, Multi Media ( MM ) Teachers, Multi Media ( MM ) Online Tutors, Multi Media ( MM ) Home Tutors, Multi Media ( MM ) Live Teachers, Multi Media ( MM ) Online Lessons, Multi Media ( MM ) Online Trainings, Multi Media ( MM ) Workshops, Multi Media ( MM ) Trainers, Multi Media ( MM ) Vocational Courses, Multi Media ( MM ) Online Teachers, Multi Media ( MM ) Online Trainers, Multi Media ( MM ) Online Learnings, Multi Media ( MM ) Online Coaching, Multi Media ( MM ) Online Courses, Multi Media ( MM ) Home Trainers, Multi Media ( MM ) Home Teachers, Multi Media ( MM ) Online Vocational Skills ) over Weekends & Weekdays ( Morning & Evening sessions ) for Class 9th, Class 10th, Class 11th, Class 12th, college level students, Workshops' Participants, seminars & adult recreational learners near me in Greater Noida, Greater Noida West, Delhi NCR, Gurgaon ( Gurugram ), Ghaziabad, Faridabad, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Bangalore ( Bengaluru ) and other major locations within India & Abroad :



Multi Media ( MM ) - Applied Computer Science - Introduction & Scope :

The subject of Multi Media ( MM ) is one of the most creative and emerging technological vocational skill. It has significant impact to the current technology set up that covers almost every industry sector and domain. Multimedia covers animations wherein multiple images are displayed in rapid sequence that create an illusion of movement. Thus, an animator deals with a sequence of 2D ( Two Dimensional ) or 3D ( Three Dimensional ) images called frames that are sequenced together.


These frames could be composed of digital or hand - drawn pictures, models or puppets as per the client requirements and further undergo compositing with editors. Several layers of animations are composited through editors to produce real life animations. Robust 3D and 2D production pipelines are leveraged to produce quality Multi Media outcomes.


Video and Sound editing are carried out through various softwares like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Flash, Adobe Premiere Pro, Autodesk Maya and others. Additionally, Multi Media ( MM ) key terminologies and concepts include the following : 


Animations, Composites, Graphics, Stop Motion, Digital Designs, Matte Designs, 2D Animations,3D  Animations, Adobe Flash, Adobe Photoshop, Auto Desk Maya, Shadings, Texturing, Lightings, Story Boarding, Animatics, Pre Production Pipelines, Post Production Pipelines, Simulations, Modellings, Riggings, Workspaces, Videos, Sound Mechanisms, Timelines, Clips, Editings, MP3 file formats, .wav file formats, Key Frames, Key Rates, View Ports, Tweening, Squash and Stretch, Ease In and Ease Out, Claymation using Clay, Pivoting, Mid Shots, Close Up Shots, WS, WEV, BEV, Camera Actions, Blocks, Timing, Torsion, Flash Cartoon, Cut Outs, Speculars, Reflections, RGB Colour  Schemes, Colour Mappings, Colour Theory, Pixels, Resolutions, Diffuse Maps, Bump Maps, Filters, Desaturation Commands, UV Maps, Hump Maps, Hues, Scales, Bitmaps, Indexes, Contrasts, Proximity, Cropping and Chroma.


These are practically analysed and translated into tangible visual artifacts that are constantly being researched upon. In short, Multi Media ( MM ) is a critical specialisation that pervades all industry sectors and domains as an Information Technology Enabler. Be it recreational / informational sectors like movies, entertainment, news, or sectors related to advertisements or press, graphics, drawing, painting, applied arts, marketing, sales or branding, Multi Media ( MM ) is widely employed to a significant extent.


Multi Media ( MM ) has huge entrepreneurial scope with the potential to create massive employment opportunities. It is good for enabling human welfare through knowledge dissemination and by acting as a means for social representation.


Multi Media ( MM ) Tutors Near Me :

Thus, based upon the above highlighted understanding, Wise Turtle Academy strives to deliver extremely good quality "Multi Media ( MM ) Online Tutors" over weekends and weekdays with flexible customised morning and evening sessions. Related sessions & workshops are organised in localities near you and near me in Greater Noida, Greater Noida West, Delhi NCR, Gurgaon ( Gurugram ), Ghaziabad, Faridabad, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Bangalore ( Bengaluru ) and other major Indian locations, as well as International locations.


These classes are successfully delivered through Online Tutoring & Home Tutoring modes to the students of different schools, colleges and even adult recreational learners. The prominent areas of Greater Noida covering "Multi Media ( MM ) Vocational Skills Learning Online Tuition Classes" & Online Tutoring services are :


Pari Chowk, LG Chowk, Gamma 1, Xu 1, Pi 1, Sigma 1, Gamma 2, Alpha 1, Alpha 2, Xu 2, Pi 2, Sigma 2, Beta 1, Beta 2, Xu 3, Pi 3, Sigma 3, Xi 1, Xi 2, Phi 1, Phi 2, Sigma 4, Xu 4, Pi 4, Phi 3, Pi 5, Phi 5, Omicron 1 A, Omicron 2, Omicron 3, Zeta 1, Zeta 2, Eta 1, Eta2, Delta 1, Delta 2, Knowledge Park 1, Knowledge Park 2, Knowledge Park 3, Jaypee Greens ( Narmada Gate, Star court Towers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ), Omaxe Connaught Place Mall, Rampur Jagir Chowk, Alpha Commercial Belt, Surajpur, Sharda Hospital, Sector 150, ATS Pristine Sector 150, Sector 144, Sector 143, Sector 27, Sector 90, Sector 78, Sector 76, Sector 75, Sector 77, gamma near me, Sector 79, Sector 80, Sector 91, Sector 92, Sector 93, Sector 94, Sector 95, Builder's Area, Pocket P 7, Swarna Nagari, Tughalpur Village, Kasna, Greater Noida Expressway, Yamuna Expressway, Sector 31, Sector 32, Sector 33, Sector 34, Sector 35, Sector 36, Sector 37, sector 38, sector 39, Sector 40, Sector 41, Sector 42, Sector 43, Sector 45, etc..


There are many more areas, that are covered under our services for "Multi Media ( MM ) Vocational Skills Learning Home Tuition Classes" and Home tutoring. In case, your residential areas near me in Greater Noida & Greater Noida West don't show up in the list of above prominent areas, please contact us directly to clarify further.


Following is the general outline of syllabus for vocational skills' subject Multi Media ( MM ) for Class 12th ( Class XII - 12 ) :

Unit 1 : 3D Production Pipeline
1. Describe the Preproduction activities
Story boarding – layouts, model sheets and animatic
2. Use of Adobe Photoshop for UV Mapping and Texturing
3D animation in Autodesk MAYA 
Demonstration of preproduction activities
Preparation of a flow chart of pre- production activities and required materials / equipment
3. Identification of the various drawing and text tools and the utility of the same ( geometric, line, pen, brush, text, stroke, fill, point, erase, etc. )
Demonstrate the concept of texturing in Adobe Photoshop and modeling in Autodesk MAYA ( Production 1 )
Texturing and modeling
Basic standards followed in texturing and modeling
Creation of model for stop motion 3D animation
Texturing of character
Demonstrate the concept of lighting and rigging in Autodesk MAYA ( Production 2 )
Lighting and rigging
Basic standards followed in lighting and rigging
Demonstration of the concept of lighting and rigging
Demonstration of use of lighting to create a bright image
Importance of lighting in animation
4. Demonstrate the post - production activities
Creating .avi files to see the flow of animation and its timing
Creating Animatics
Post-production process of animation
5. Exporting animation sequences and rendering
Demonstration of Post production activities
Preparation of a flow chart of post-production activities and required materials / equipment
Unit 2 : Basics of Video and Sound Editing
1. Use Adobe Premiere CS / CC
Concept of work spaces
Video and Sound editing projects and its creation
Demonstration of the use of tool box of Adobe Premiere CS/CC
2. Edit the video

Video editing work flow
Timeline panel
3. Basic standards followed in editing a video
4. Clips and its types
Demonstration of editing the video
Handling the linking Audio or Background Music with the Video in Audio Tracks in Adobe Premiere
Use Adobe Sound Booth
The procedure of increasing or decreasing the amplitude of arrange by using the volume pop-up menu
Demonstration of the use of Adobe Sound Booth
Giving the demo of editing of the beginning or end of an audio track
Edit the sound

Various ways of editing audio track
Multi Track Sound Editing 
5. Rendering the output audio file for playing in any Media Player
Demonstration of increasing or decreasing the length of the range by clicking and dragging the start and endpoints of the audio track
Demonstration of editing the sound track
Demonstrate audio output in .WAV and .MP3 audio file format
Unit 3 : Basic Tools and Techniques of Animation in Autodesk MAYA
1. Demonstrate the use of edit keys in timeline
Key Frame Animation
Use of Auto Keying Animation
Disadvantages of auto key
Maya timeline 
Demonstration of the use of Maya timeline, workspace, view ports, tools
Changing the settings in Maya timeline
2. Demonstrate the purpose of frames, timing, frame rate and key frames
1. Frame, timing and frame rate
2. Reasons for using key frame
3. Aspects of key frame? ( picture size, position, rotation )
4. Concept of setting key frames
5. Importance of the Set key
Identification of number of frames, timing, frame rate and key frame in animation
Demonstration of the difference between tweening and key frame
Demonstration of setting key frames
3. Create and edit animation sequence graph using Graphic Editor
1. Use of Graphic Editor
2. Editing animation curves using Graphic Editor
Demonstration of editing animations in the Graphic Editor
4. Create a bouncing ball

1. Representation of different bouncing balls
2. Details of bouncing ball
Implementing the principles of animation on bouncing ball ( e.g. Squash and Stretch, Ease In / Out )
Demonstration of the knowledge of use of middle-mouse button
Creating bouncing ball - animation of 200 frames by implementing two principles of animation

Practical Work
Practical Examination
Written Test
Viva Voce

Project Work/ Field Visit
Practical File/ Student Portfolio


Multi Media ( MM ) Trainers Near Me :​
Wise Turtle Academy has very good experience in delivering "Multi Media ( MM ) Online Tutoring & Trainings" that relate to English medium School Boards, viz., CBSE - Central Board of Secondary Education, ICSE - Indian Certificate for Secondary Education, IB - International Baccalaureate, NIOS - National Institute of Open Schooling, IGNOU - Indira Gandhi National Open University, Private Candidates, Uttar Pradesh State Board of Secondary & Senior Secondary Education, Rajasthan Board of Secondary & Senior Secondary Education, other State Boards and Private Patrachaar candidates. We offer quality oriented, contemporary, educational & learning support through flexible hands-on practicals, demonstrations, skills sharing workshops, seminars, impromptu expressions of skills, etc., over weekends & weekdays, through successful morning & evening sessions. "Multi Media ( MM ) Skills Classes" & learning support services are provided by our best, experienced and result oriented Online Trainers and Home Trainers near you and near me in Greater Noida and Greater Noida West.


Following is the general outline of syllabus for vocational skills' subject Multi Media ( MM ) for Class 11th ( Class XI - 11 ) :

1. Describe the history of animation
Evolution of animation, with examples
History of animation
Visit to a Studio to understand the animation industry and its evolution
Demonstration of the use of animation
Identify various traditional methods of animation
Various traditional methods of animation ( e.g. hand drawn animation )
Identification of traditional methods of animation
2. Demonstrate the knowledge of hand drawn animation and Claymation ( animation using clay )
3. Identify modern methods of Animation – e.g. Stop Motion Animation
Methods of animation – modern animation and traditional animation
Meaning of Stop Motion Animation
Differentiation of modern animation and traditional animation
Demonstration of the procedure adopted for Stop Motion Animation
4. Identify the various elements involved process of computer Animation ( 2D and 3D Animation )
Concepts of computer animation
Advantages of computer animation ( 2D Animation using Adobe Flash and for 3D Animation using Autodesk MAYA ) over traditional animation methods
Differentiation of 2D and 3D animation
Demonstration of Digital animation approaches ( frame by frame, shape and motion tweening )
Identification of pivot point locations of nodes, groups and other 3D animation
5. Demonstrate the knowledge of production pipeline
Concept of production pipeline
Demonstration of steps involved in the animation production pipeline
6. Describe the process of preproduction and story - boarding
Concepts of preproduction and story-boarding activities
Explanation of preproduction activities
Development of a short storyboard
1. Identify the principles of animation
Twelve principles on which animation is established:
Squash and Stretch
Ease in and Out
Overlapping Action and Follow- through
Pose to Pose and Straight Ahead Animation
Reference and Planning
2. Application of each of the above mentioned principles
Demonstration of the twelve basic principles of animation
Enlisting the advantages and limitations of different animation techniques
3. Demonstration of the uses of a combination of these 2, 3 or 4 principles to get the necessary feel and action in a shot and scene
1. Demonstration of the concept of 2D Animation using Adobe Flash
Basics of 2D animation
Concept of production, preproduction and post-production
Demonstration of making of storyboard image
Demonstration of the phases pre-production, production and post-production
2. Demonstration of different types of 2D Animation using Adobe Flash
Path animation and stop-motion animation
Frame composition
Camera blocking
Situation using different frame composition : MS - Mid Shot ; Cu - Close Up Shot ; ECu - Extreme Close Up Shot ; WS - Wide Shot ; EWS - Extreme Wise Angle Shot ; WEV - Worm Eye View ; BEV – Birds Eye View
Demonstration of the process of different 2D animation
Demonstration of the details on functionality
3. Explain the situation of using each of the frame composition ( MS, Cu, ECu, WS, EWS, WEV, BEV, DA )
Explain the reason of camera blocking and animation timing
4. Describe the basic process of 2D animation using Adobe Flash
Work cycle of 2D animation
The process of creating a torsion
Differentiation of between 2D and 3D animation
Demonstration of creating a torsion
Demonstrate the application of Adobe Flash Animation
Process of limited animation or cut out animation
Email as a mode of capturing conversations
Meetings as a mode of capturing Conversations
Demonstration of creation of flash cartoon

Teaching Activities :
The teaching and training activities have to be conducted in classroom, laboratory / workshops and field visits. Students should be taken to field visits for  interaction with experts and to expose them to the various tools, equipment, materials, procedures and operations in the workplace. Special emphasis should be laid on the occupational safety, health and hygiene during the training and field visits.

Classroom Activities : 
Classroom activities are an integral part of this course and interactive lecture sessions, followed by discussions should be conducted by trained teachers.  Teachers should make effective use of a variety of instructional or teaching aids, such as audio - video materials, colour slides, charts, diagrams, models, exhibits, hand-outs, online teaching materials, etc., to transmit knowledge and impart training to the students.

Practical Work In Laboratory / Workshop : 
Practical work may include but not limited to hands-on-training, simulated training, role play, case based studies, exercises, etc. Equipment and supplies should be provided to enhance hands-on learning experience of students. Only trained personnel should teach specialized techniques. A training plan that reflects tools, equipment, materials, skills and activities to be performed by the students should be submitted by the teacher to the Head of the Institution.

Organisation of Field Visits / Educational Tours : 
In field visits, children will go outside the classroom to obtain specific information from experts or to make observations of the activities. A checklist of observations to be made by the students during the field visits should be developed by the teachers for systematic collection of information by the students on the various aspects. Principals and Teachers should identify the different opportunities for field visits within a short distance from the school and make  necessary arrangements for the visits. At least three field visits should be conducted in a year.

List Of Equipment and Material : 
The list given below is suggestive and an exhaustive list should be prepared by the teacher. Only basic tools, equipment and accessories should be procured by the Institution so that the routine tasks can be performed by the students regularly for practice and acquiring adequate practical experience.
1. 3 - Hole Punched Paper
2. Adobe After Effects
3. Adobe Flash
4. Adobe Photoshop
5. Adobe Premiere Pro
6. Art Gum Eraser
7. Autodesk Maya
8. Brushes
9. Computer System
10. Demonstration Charts
11. Digital Camera
12. Drawing Pencil Sets
13. Drawing sheets
14. Flipbook
15. Internet Connection
16. Marker / Chalk
17. Non-Photo Blue Pencils
18. Paints
19. Printer
20. Scanner
21. Watercolors, Markers, and Pastels
22. Whiteboard


Wise Turtle Academy is absolutely sure that it's quality conscious and comprehensive "Multi Media ( MM ) Online Teachers" will benefit the students immensely. The Multi Media ( MM ) Vocational Skills Online tutors and Multi Media ( MM ) Home tutors come from various educational backgrounds, namely, Engineering, Management, Medical, Humanities, Commerce, and more. With adequate qualification, strong competency and rich experience carried by the teachers, it'll be an easy and straightforward task to instruct, guide, train and tutor the students.


Trust and mutual understanding among the Multi Media ( MM ) Online Tutors, Home Tutors and the Students will go a long way to effect an efficient delivery of "Multi Media ( MM ) Vocational Skills Learning" over weekends, as well as weekdays, through flexible morning and evening sessions near me in Greater Noida & Greater Noida West.


Following is the general outline of syllabus for vocational skills' subject Multi Media ( MM ) for Class 10th ( Class X - 10 ) :

Unit 1 : Surfaces and Materials
1. Identify the characteristics of the real life surfaces
Real life surfaces in the context of texturing
Demonstration of characteristics of real life surfaces
2. Describe the various 3D surfaces and material
3D surfaces and material in the context of texturing
Demonstration of the characteristics of real 3D surfaces and material
3. Identify the properties of the surface and material
Properties of surfaces and material in the context of texturing
Explanation of the properties of material and their effect on texturing
4. Explain the effect of lighting conditions on surfaces
Reaction of surfaces to varying lighting conditions
Demonstration of effects of lighting conditions on different surfaces
Unit 2 : Shading and Texturing
1. Identify surface shading properties
Types of surface shading properties
Differentiation of colour and transparency, specular and reflection
2. Describe Maya material
Surface, displacement and volumetric materials
Explanation of the Maya material
Demonstration of double side shaded surface, layer texture and layer shader
3. Describe assigning and creation
Creation and assigning materials by the use of
Demonstration of texturing using hyper shade in MAYA, material hyper shade in MAYA or 3Ds MAX
Assigning separate material to a group of faces
4. Describe various texture maps
Realistic texturing

Demonstration of the use of texturing maps
5. Describe shading network
Shading network in MAYA

Demonstration of the use of shading network in MAYA
Unit 3 : Texturing in Photoshop and Autodesk Maya
1. Create colour map

Process of creating diffuse map in photoshop
Un rapping the 3D Polygon Object 
Differentiation of pixels and resolution
Demonstration of creating diffuse map
2. Create bump map and use desaturate command
Creating bump in MAYA map in MAYA
Use of desaturate command and high pass filter
Demonstration of the process to desaturate and high pass filter
3. Create specular map

Use of specular maps
Process of creating specular maps in photoshop and MAYA
Export the UV map to Adobe Photoshop and paint the Texture on UV map 
Return to MAYA and observe the Texture on 3D objects
Demonstration of texturing using hyper shade
Assignment of separate material to a group of faces
4. Demonstrate knowledge of creating seamless textures
Diffuse and opacity map, specular, reflection and glow map, hump, normal and displacement map
Demonstration of the process of displacement, normal, bump map, reflection, specular and glow map
Create textured and painted 3D object, like Pen, Pencil, Chair, House, Tree, Human Face, Human Body in MAYA

Teaching Activities :
The teaching and training activities have to be conducted in classroom, laboratory / workshops and field visits. Students should be taken to field visits for  interaction with experts and to expose them to the various tools, equipment, materials, procedures and operations in the workplace. Special emphasis should be laid on the occupational safety, health and hygiene during the training and field visits.\

Classroom Activities :
Classroom activities are an integral part of this course and interactive lecture sessions, followed by discussions should be conducted by trained teachers.  Teachers should make effective use of a variety of instructional or teaching aids, such as audio-video materials, colour slides, charts, diagrams, models, exhibits, hand-outs, online teaching materials, etc. to transmit knowledge and impart training to the students.

Practical Work In Laboratory / Workshop : 
Practical work may include but not limited to hands-on-training, simulated training, role play, case based studies, exercises, etc. Equipment and supplies should be provided to enhance hands-on learning experience of students. Only trained personnel should teach specialized techniques. A training plan that reflects tools, equipment, materials, skills and activities to be performed by the students should be submitted by the teacher to the Head of the Institution.

Field Visits / Educational Tour : 
In field visits, children will go outside the classroom to obtain specific information from experts or to make observations of the activities. A checklist of  observations to be made by the students during the field visits should be developed by the Teachers for systematic collection of information by the students on the various aspects. Principals and Teachers should identify the different opportunities for field visits within a short distance from the school and make  necessary arrangements for the visits. At least three field visits should be conducted in a year.

Skill Assessment ( Practical ) :
Assessment of skills by the students should be done by the assessors / examiners on the basis of practical demonstration of skills by the candidate. Practical examination allows candidates to demonstrate that they have the knowledge and understanding of performing a task. This will include hands-on practical exam and viva voce. For practical, there should be a team of two evaluators. The same team of examiners will conduct the viva voce. Project Work ( individual or group project ) is a great way to assess the practical skills on a certain time period or timeline. Project work should be given on the basis of the capability of the individual to perform the tasks or activities involved in the project. Projects should be discussed in the class and the teacher should periodically monitor the progress of the project and provide feedback for improvement and innovation. Field visits should be organised as part of the project work. Field visits can be followed by a small - group work / project work. When the class returns from the field visit, each group might be asked to use the information that they have gathered to prepare presentations or reports of their observations. Project work should be assessed on the basis of practical file or student portfolio.
Student Portfolio is a compilation of documents that supports the candidate’s claim of competence. Documents may include reports, articles, photos of products prepared by students in relation to the unit of competency.

Viva voce : 
Viva voce allows candidates to demonstrate communication skills and content knowledge. Audio or video recording can be done at the time of viva voce. The number of external examiners would be decided as per the existing norms of the Board and these norms should be suitably adopted / adapted as per the specific requirements of the subject. Viva voce should also be conducted to obtain feedback on the student’s experiences and learning during the project work / field  visits.

Organisation of Field Visits & Educational Tours :
In a year, at least 3 field visits / educational tours should be organised for the students to expose them to the activities in the workplace. Visit a News channel’s Motion Graphics Studio where 3D digital studios and 3D Backgrounds are designed for News Room Anchors. Visit a Film Production studio with Chroma  Background and observe following :
1. Creation of Computer Generated Graphics
2. Removing of chroma ( Green Background ) behind anchor or News Reader: Replacing it with a new 3D Virtual Set, Video Backgrounds
3. Composing Work
4. Colour Correction
5. Lighting

List of Equipment & Materials :
The list given below is suggestive and an exhaustive list. Should be prepared by the Skill teacher. Only basic tools, equipment and accessories should be procured by the Institution so that the routine tasks can be performed by the students regularly for practice and acquiring adequate practical experience.
1. Drawing sheets
2. Computer System
3. Printer
4. Scanner
5. Local Area Network ( LAN )
6. Internet Connection
7. Whiteboard
8. Marker / Chalk
9. Demonstration Charts
10. Non-Photo Blue Pencils
11. Drawing Pencil Sets
12. 3-Hole Punched Paper
13. Art Gum Eraser
14. Cells / Transparencies
15. Paints
16. Brushes
17. Water colors, Markers, and Pastels


Wise Turtle Academy has kept the pricing budget for "Multi Media ( MM ) Vocational Skills Classes" very reasonable and as per the industry standards. There is a scope to mutually agree and negotiate upon the tuition or tutoring budget, thus, making it a win-win situation for both the Academy, as well as it's students putting up near you and near me in Greater Noida & Greater Noida West. We encourage the students & residents to come forward and explore our highly effective and efficient "Multi Media ( MM ) Vocational Skills Learning Online Training Classes" being organised over weekends & weekdays, with morning and evening sessions. These are being delivered just next to or near major landmarks.


Following is the general outline of syllabus for vocational skills' subject Multi Media ( MM ) for Class 9th ( Class IX - 9 ) :

Unit 1 : Colour Theory
1. Identify the principles for using color theory
Principles of color theory
Different terms of coolers, available on texturing software
Demonstration of color abstraction
2. Demonstrate the use of artistic colour wheel
The types of colour wheels
Types of colours
Identification of the primary, secondary and tertiary colours
Demonstration of using artistic colour wheel
3. Demonstrate the use of digital wheel colour
Digital colour wheel
Print media colour wheel
Transparency and ( Alpha ) XChannel for background transparency
Identification of primary and secondary colours of RGB and CMYK colour wheel
Identification of additive and subtractive colour
Demonstration of creating background transparency with and without (Alpha) X- Channel in Adobe Photoshop
4. Describe the RGB display mechanism
Demonstration of the cutaway rendering of a colour CRT
Demonstration of RGB display mechanism
5. Use different colours schemes
Analogous, monochromatic and complementary colour schemes
Colour harmony
Demonstration of the use of warm and cool colours, colour temperature
Classification of different colour schemes
Unit 2 : Digital Design
1. Demonstrate the use of Adobe Photoshop
Workspace of Adobe Photoshop
Interface of Adobe Photoshop
Demonstration of customizing the workspace of Photoshop
2. Demonstrate the use different drawing and painting tools
Selection and manipulation of tools
Painting and retouching tools
Text and shape tools
Draw paint tool for any specific design
Draw the desired shape using appropriate drawing tool
Paint desired shape using appropriate drawing tool
3. Describe the use of colour correction
Advantage of histogram in colour correction, colour curve, Hue and saturation
Colour balance and variations
Show the use of colour balance, variation and photo filter
Demonstration of adjusting highlight and shadow of the image
Demonstration of setting up of mid tone of the scanned graphics for colour correction in texture and Motifs
4. Identify the steps for Digital Painting and Matte Painting
Steps of digital painting
Process and purpose of matte painting
Paint a shape using Digital Painting
Paint a shape using Matte Painting
Demonstration of the use of brush pallet
5. Use different blending modes
Use of blending modes
Blending modes :
(i) Multiply
(ii) Screen
(iii) Overlay
(iv) Various other modes
Demonstration of the use of various blending modes
Tabulate and identify difference between various blending modes and their use in texture designing
6. Describe various colour modes
Various colour modes - RGB, CMYK Grey
Scale, Bitmap and Index colour Modes
Demonstration of the use of the following colour modes:
Grey scale
Tabulation of the difference between various colour modes
Use of RGB for texturing of objects and models
Unit 3 : Composition and Lighting for Photography
1. Describe composition - 1
Purpose of Composition
Rule of third and balancing element
Golden Point Rule
Demonstration of the knowledge of the following :
Leading lines
2. Demonstrate composition - 2
Use of background and depth
Framing and cropping
Use of CRAP Designing
Technique for Pattern and Textures : C - Contrast, R - Repetition, A - Alignment, P - Proximity in lines, colours, fonts and shapes
Demonstration of performing experiment with the photographs
Demonstration of the process of framing and cropping
Implement CRAP techniques and design 5-6 pattern of textures
3. Use effective lighting for photography - 1
Significance and importance of lighting in photography
Main objectives of lighting in photography
Key Light
Fill Light
High Light
Back Light
Demonstration of the lighting which can affect the quality of photography
Demonstration of effect of different colours of lights in photography
4. Use effective lighting for photography - 2
Side lighting or fill lighting
Diffuse lighting, rim lighting and spotlighting
One point, 2 point, 3 point and 4 point lighting in studio
Chroma background ( Green - Screen ) Photography
Digital photography using RAW file format
Identification of types of lighting and their effect in photography
Preparation of a chart showing different types of lighting and their effects on photography
Digital Photo Editing - retouching, composing, manipulating RAW file, removing Green Screen for Background Transparency in Adobe Photoshop

Practical Work
Practical Examination
Written Test
Viva Voce 

Project Work / Field Visit
Practical File / Student Portfolio 
Viva Voce


We'll indeed be delighted to hear back from you about your requirements and assure you of our expert "Multi Media ( MM ) Vocational Skills' Learning, Tutors, Teachers, Trainings, Seminars, Hands On Practical & Workshops". A One-On-One Online Tutoring Consultation or a Private Tutor visit at your desired premises can be booked with us at absolutely nominal ( only to and fro transportation ) charges.
We'll ensure punctuality, utmost professionalism and full compliance to agreed Visitation, tutoring or Training Time window, as well as, strive to deliver one of the most satisfying tutoring experience ever possible.


Please do explore our services listed under Book Our Services. We are available round the clock and can be directly reached through our Contact Us or Facebook pages.

Looking forward to connecting with you !
Wise Turtle Academy !




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